Joe Action Figures

G. I. Joe Footloose Infantry Trooper Modern Army Action Figure 1985 #6444 NRFB

G. I. Joe Footloose Infantry Trooper Modern Army Action Figure 1985 #6444 NRFB
G. I. Joe Footloose Infantry Trooper Modern Army Action Figure 1985 #6444 NRFB
G. I. Joe Footloose Infantry Trooper Modern Army Action Figure 1985 #6444 NRFB
G. I. Joe Footloose Infantry Trooper Modern Army Action Figure 1985 #6444 NRFB

G. I. Joe Footloose Infantry Trooper Modern Army Action Figure 1985 #6444 NRFB

Meyers was a Valedictorian of his High School class, caption of the track team and an Eagle Scout. He was going for his degree in Phys.

On a state scholarship when he suddenly dropped out, moved to the coast and became quite weird for about three years. "I think I'll join the Army, " he said and promptly did.

Took basic and AIT at Fort Benning graduated jump school and desert training unit. Qualified expert all NATO and Warsaw Pact small arms.
G. I. Joe Footloose Infantry Trooper Modern Army Action Figure 1985 #6444 NRFB