Joe Action Figures

Gi Joe Action Force Hydrofoil custom painted

Gi Joe Action Force Hydrofoil custom painted
Gi Joe Action Force Hydrofoil custom painted
Gi Joe Action Force Hydrofoil custom painted
Gi Joe Action Force Hydrofoil custom painted
Gi Joe Action Force Hydrofoil custom painted
Gi Joe Action Force Hydrofoil custom painted
Gi Joe Action Force Hydrofoil custom painted
Gi Joe Action Force Hydrofoil custom painted
Gi Joe Action Force Hydrofoil custom painted
Gi Joe Action Force Hydrofoil custom painted
Gi Joe Action Force Hydrofoil custom painted
Gi Joe Action Force Hydrofoil custom painted
Gi Joe Action Force Hydrofoil custom painted
Gi Joe Action Force Hydrofoil custom painted
Gi Joe Action Force Hydrofoil custom painted
Gi Joe Action Force Hydrofoil custom painted
Gi Joe Action Force Hydrofoil custom painted
Gi Joe Action Force Hydrofoil custom painted
Gi Joe Action Force Hydrofoil custom painted

Gi Joe Action Force Hydrofoil custom painted

I have acquired an old incomplete Hydrofoil and I have always loved the look of it but sadly the design of the original parts didn't look right to me and the parts that I did get were broken and since I wanted mine to look a lot less like a toy but rather more realistic and more menacing I spent a good week simply designing, printing and test fitting parts before I was satisfied with the new look. Some of the designed parts are moveable, a little gimmick to make it more fun. The Hydrofoil bit works as it should. This was a labour of love but since it is now finished and I have no room to display it, it's time to let it go and fund other projects. I have provided as many pictures as I can so you can use your own judgement on the quality of the work/paint job.

Any questions, please feel free to ask.

Gi Joe Action Force Hydrofoil custom painted